Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Sorry for my unnecessarily long hiatus.
I'll be back in full glory soon, I promise. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Can I Just Call You Mine?

Here ya go. In apologies for my lack of blogging, have this lovely video starring me.

Totally should have won something, right?

Right. Enjoy~

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Have a wonderful holiday full of love and chocolate.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holiday Season

I know, I know. It's Easter, not Christmas. But everyone needs to read this story.

I can't really write anything about it, forgive me.

But just read it.

David Sedaris is wonderful. And so are the Dutch.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You Don't Know Me

I love Regina Spektor, pictured above. Who doesn't? She's adorable.
I also love Ben Folds.
So I of course absolutely adore a song where they sing together. Especially if the song is catchy and cute.

Listen! Link here:

Monday, March 22, 2010

Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger.

My happy was missing for a while, but it's back now.
And Lady GaGa's Telephone video just begs to be talked about.
(I know Beyonce is in it too, but it really is Lady GaGa's video.)

Now, I loved it, naturally, but I would not recommend watching it if you have anything against:
Lack of Pants
Awkward dialogue
Mass murder
Blatant product placement
Things that don't really make sense

...Otherwise, it was kind of wonderful. And even looking past the video, the song is really good too. And Beyonce is fierce, even though GaGa tends to overshadow her.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Love Me Dead

I'm a big fan of Ludo right now.

Their songs are so catchy. (:

Sorry I'm not being very wordy lately. Homework beckons. D:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Winter's On The Wing

So sorry. My "happy" isn't "daily" so much as it is "whenever-I-feel-like-it."
On the plus side, it feels almost like spring. :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

At Last

At last.
The moment I've been waiting for since last summer.
I saw Alice in Wonderland the moment it came out.
And am thus operating on three hours of sleep.
But it was so worth it.
It was like, everyone I love, plus every Tim Burton stereotype, plus a lot of sexy voices and pretty animation, all rolled into one dazzling film.

But let's focus on my favorite bits, shall we?

1. Helena. Oh, Helena. She is the perfect Red Queen. And the Red Queen is a perfect character. I actually legitimately pitied her, but that could just be my I-love-Helena bias. But she was definitely one of those characters that you love to hate.

2. Johnny. He's known for the insane roles, but the Mad Hatter may have been the most insane of them all. Equal parts funny, sweet, scary, and sad, with an impeccable sense of dress and makeup.

3. I was pretty attracted to the Cheshire Cat. His voice was so smooth and sexy. And whenever he showed up, the scene just got a lot cooler. Same goes for Tweedledee and Tweedledum; they were comic relief in a not-annoying way, plus they had cool accents.

4. Alan Rickman as the caterpillar? His voice is ideal for everything.

5. Crispin Glover's character, Stayne, was also pretty wonderful.

6. Wonderland! I mean, I'm not one of those people who are really into well-animated things, but all the scenery was gorgeous. And very Burton-y.

7. I just this second found out that Timothy Spall was in it, as Bayard. I do love him too.

8. I know Tim has a habit of casting the EXACT SAME PEOPLE in all of his movies, but it was acutally a good thing because each actor was so indisputably right for their role. Which reminds me...

9. Anne Hathaway. I'm kind of in love with her. She was too funny as the White Queen, and a perfect balance with Helena's craziness.

10. The whole bit with the Jabberwocky. First of all, I loved Johnny's sexycreepy recitation of the classic Jabberwocky poem. I'm also a fan of the Jabberwocky's unexpectedly nice voice, courtesy of Christopher Lee.

In conclusion, everything was just so right, because Tim Burton is amazing, and I loved it.

P.S. MPAA says that Alice is rated PG for "fantasy action/violence involving scary images and situations, and for a smoking caterpillar." XD

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Off With Her Head!

There is no limit to the amount of times I'm going to mention Alice In Wonderland, is there?
At any rate, I bought my tickets today.
And it's really exciting. :D
And since I don't have the energy to write anything, please enjoy this picture of Helena Bonham Carter and her gorgeous crazy hair.

Monday, March 1, 2010

How Long Have You Been 17?

I challenge even the most die-hard Robert-Pattinson-Team-Edward fan to find fault in this adorably accurate Edward Zombie sock puppet I discovered on Etsy (which is a fantastic website, by the way). Maybe I'm just biased, but I like this one better than the real thing. Don't get me wrong, I do like Robert's personality, but he isn't really a looker. (Come on, though. The puppet has RPatz hair and you know it.)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Movies About Hotels Are Always Scary

In keeping with my recent mood, I spent last night on Marilyn Monroe movies: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Don't Bother To Knock. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was exactly what I expected, lighthearted and cute and wonderful, so I'm going to focus on Don't Bother To Knock for now.

It started off very slow, so my thought pattern was, "What's going on?...Okay, unrequited love, that's cute...Hm, that guy looks suspicious...He's creepy, I bet he's the bad guy...Wait a second, Marilyn Monroe is COMPLETELY INSANE." I was kind of emotionally traumatized in a very good way. This is an excellent movie to watch for anyone who doubts her acting abilities, even though it's a bit crazy. We can all imagine how difficult it is to play the part of a suicidal, homicidal, delusional maniac and still look gorgeous doing it.
(Side note: Alice in Wonderland opens next week. So excited.)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I know this doesn't stick to the "happy" bit of "A Daily Happy," but I just finished crying my eyes out over a Marilyn Monroe tribute video and decided to blog: if a genie appeared and told me that I could bring a dead celebrity back to life, it'd be her. Or at least I'd want to go back in history and give her a hug and tell her that people loved her.

If I could bring two dead celebrities back from the dead, the other one would be Heath Ledger. Together they are the epitome of gorgeousness and talent. :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

They Call Me Mimi

I haven't blogged in ages, forgive me. I'll make up for it by blogging about someone who is very incredibly wonderful: Rosario Dawson. I mentioned her in my Percy Jackson post, but she deserves a spotlight.

So, all you cool kids should know Rosario from Rent, where she played a stripper with AIDS (but then again, that basically just sums up Rent (which, by the way, is a fantastic movie (and Rosario's character is called Mimi.))).
My point is, Rosario Dawson tries to do the sexy thing, but she's really just adorable and pretty and very talented. She's my daily happiness. :D

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Wishing you a day full of kisses

(whichever kind you prefer).

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Oh my gods!

Just got back from seeing Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief. I was very excited, since I just finished reading the books. Here's my review.
1. Percy (played by Logan Lerman) is a beautiful, beautiful person. And, surprisingly, a good actor.
2. Annabeth (played by Alexandra Daddario) annoyed me before she even spoke. Her eyes...they just freaked me out. So much staring. She was the only one in the movie who couldn't really act.
3. I don't think the person who wrote the movie actually read the book.
4. Medusa (played by Uma Thurman) was so seductive. If she had told me to look into her eyes, I would have, no questions asked. Regardless of the snakes or the fact that it would turn me to stone. I especially liked her leather jacket.
5. Grover (Brandon T. Jackson) was awesome. He was so...hyperactive-black-stereotype.
6. Honestly, I wouldn't mind being trapped in the firey pits of Hades if Rosario Dawson was there. She was stunning as Persephone. Highlight of the movie. And I'm definitely not saying that just because I'm a fan of her already. Maybe.
7. James Bond as a centaur? Awesome.
8. I could not identify any of the gods' accents. I think the director just said, "Talk in an accent" and they all made one up.
9. The drug trip at the Lotus Hotel was a nice touch. Very nice allusion to the Odyssey.
10. Hades was supposed to be this sexy guy with long black hair and white skin. But, instead, he was that scruffy guy in the picture on the top. I would have been disappointed, but he did have a very nice voice. But still. He's not a very awe-inspiring Lord of Darkness.
I know it seems like I didn't like the movie, but I was actually very amused and did enjoy it. It's one of those movies that I'll probably see multiple times just for certain scenes that I liked (i.e. Hades)
Oh P.S. I also really loved the Ferryman, played by Julian Richings. He had the same monotone uncaringness covered by Alan Rickman in Harry Potter.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Be Mine, Valentine.

I've been in the Valentine's Day spirit for, like, a month now. Hence, I've been on a let's-google-image-all-different-kinds-of-chocolate rampage. Chocolate cake, chocolate chips, chocolate frogs, chocolate pretzels...I finally settled on browsing pictures of chocolate-covered strawberries. I want them more than anything right now, they'd be the perfect thing to sustain me through this alleged snowstorm we should be getting tonight. Seeing as I may be snowed in for the blogging might get a bit more frequent.

As far as Valentine's go, I stand by the idea that you can never go wrong with a heart-shaped box of chocolates.

But these strawberries are awesome, am I right?

Monday, February 1, 2010

That Girl Is A Monster

How much did I love Lady Gaga at the Grammys? Oh so much, I can't even describe. She is so darn theatrical, I just adore her. She's like the new Madonna, only fiercer and her arms are less scary. And when she sang with Elton John? The only thing that made it better was when she posted the picture of the two of them and titled it "me and my angel baby." And I was really digging his single earring.

Other than my Lady, Grammy highlights for me included Pink's circus act (Clad only in tape and glitter, no less. And surrounded by golden women.), Rihanna looking cute, and Fergie being intense. I feel confident saying that I'm in love with Fergie because she's pretty masculine. In a good way. If that's possible.

Bonus points go to Beyonce for having a crazy-stomping SWAT team of men behind her.
Of what I saw, the only thing I really didn't like was Taylor Swift...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mad As A Hatter

Just bought myself this ultragorgeous Alice In Wonderland themed book of shadows by Urban Decay, in celebration of the upcoming movie premiere. (It's over a month away, but still. I need to be prepared.) I'm very excited to use it, but I'm also content just looking at it...

Monday, January 25, 2010


I'm taking a break from all of my gay men posts to post about someone who is neither gay (well, not completely), nor a man. Proud of me? You should be. This is Megan Mullally, my new Favorite Person Ever. Probably best known for being Karen Walker on Will & Grace, she was also very wonderful on Broadway in things such as Grease and Young Frankenstein.
Megan, je t'adore. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cinema Italiano

If you were ever trying to decide on a movie to watch, and thought to yourself, "Hm, I'd really like to watch something musical, sexy, and very Italian," I'd recommend Nine. Especially if you're a fan of Chicago. However, if you don't like musicals, or if plot is very important to you, I'd probably stay away from this one.

The star of the show (in my opinion, at least) was Fergie in the role of Saraghina, a insanely fierce Italian-sea-gypsy-prostitute. I only assume she's a prostitute because when given money, she performed a sexy dance with a lot of women, a lot of chairs, and a lot of sand.

All of the women were fantastic. Fergie was fierce, Marion Cotillard was adorable, Judi Dench was awesome, Penelope Cruz was just...Penelope Cruz. There were a lot of Italian accents flying around, and the costumes were all to die for. Definitely made my Top Movie List.

It did get bad reviews, and I suppose that's because there's only a small window of people who like that kind of hot mess musical. For those in that window, it was wonderful :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sufjan Stevens

If you're ever in one of those moods when you just need some ridiculously relaxing music, just look up some of Sufjan's. Needless to say, I'm in love with him.

Thinking outrageously I write in cursive
I hide in my bed with the lights on the floor
Wearing three layers of coats and leg warmers
I see my own breath on the face of the door.

Oh, I am not quite sleeping
Oh, I am fast in bed
There along the wall in the bedroom creeping
I see a wasp with her wings outstretched.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Shoes. Oh my god, shoes.

I love Converse, I really do, but I feel like in order for me to be a hardcore Converse-lover I should own more than three pairs. Four, if you count the fake ones. I only say this because I got a sexy new pair for Christmas that I'm wearing for the first time now, and it led to me Google-imaging cool Converse and wanting to buy a white pair just so I could graffiti them up with Sharpie. Perhaps one day. :D

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

So THIS is why?

I'm browsing, which is doing the exact opposite of it's intent by making me hungry, but I came across this. And I found it very cute and not a deep-fried hot mess like most food shown there. A Spaghetti and Meatballs Loaf, on the other hand, is one culinary invention that I don't need to see pictures of. :P

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hello, Cupcake!

TV dinner cupcakes, anyone?
For Christmas, I got this fabulous book called Hello, Cupcake! As the name suggests, it gives directions on how to make awesome cupcakes like the ones pictured. With it, I got a cupcake pan and little icing things, so I'm all set to have a wonderful cupcake-making party sometime in the near future. Perhaps once midterms are over...

Saturday, January 2, 2010


For Christmas, I got a DVD of Chess: Live in Concert.

It had Josh Groban, so the music was bound to be good, and Idina Menzel, so I was bound to love it anyway.

So it's kind of like a rock opera*, but concert version so there's not much of a set, just people on stage with microphones and an orchestra. There is a plotline, and it involves...chess. And Communism. And love. And Adam Pascal. What's not to like?

*I'm not exactly sure what that means, but it seems appropriate.